Election Commission issued a warning to Arvind Kejriwal

kejri Election Commission  issued a  warning to Aam Aadmi Party’s chief Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday.He received this notice due to  his sppech to voters to accept bribe from other parties and vote for his party in elections.

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“You (Arvind Kejriwal) are warned, Commission shall be constrained to take stern action against you in event of any further violation,” the Election Commission was quoted as per the reports.

The poll panel  issued several notices to Kejriwal for making controversial statement and violating the model code of conduct, which is in force in poll-bound Delhi.

According to the reports, he said voters on monday that “Do the BJP and Congress come to you with money? If they do, don’t say no to them. Take the money. I know they are distributing blankets and sacks of rice as well. Take all of that, but reject liquor as it destroys families” and  the crowd responded with claps and cheers.
